- [01/2023]: Our working paper “The Effects of Off-label Drug Use on Disability and Medical Expenditure” was covered in a column at Voxeu.org / CEPR and ITIF.org
- [01/2023]: I provided a short statement about wasting vaccine doses during the Covid-19 Pandemic in German to BR Faktenfuchs.
- [08/2022]: A new article was released that compares availability of medicines in the US and Germany in JAMA Network Open.
- [06/2022]: I presented a new study on the effect of off-label drug use on disability and health care use in a panel of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Drug Use and Health Outcomes at the University of Basel. I will present this study in the upcoming weeks at multiple occasions.
- [04/2022]: I was elected as member of the extended board of the German Health Economics Association Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie.
- [12/2022]: Unfortunately, University of Duisburg-Essen was suject to a cyberattack. I currently do not receive any emails which are sent to katharina.blankart@uni-due.de. You can reach me via katharina.blankart.ude@gmail.com. Please contact me via Twitter or LinkedIn. Students of Health Economics 1 at University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen Campus: Lectures and tutorials will take place as scheduled this week despite the #cyberattack. You can find information about classes in the teaching section.
- [04/2022]: Joint with Stefan Felder, I published a comment on German policies to ameliorate drug shortages in Wirtschaftsdienst.
- [03/2022]: The study “The effect of biosimilar prescription targets for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents on the prescribing behavior of physicians in Germany”, joint with Benjamin Birkner has been accepted for publication in Value in Health.
[02/2022]: The study “Do medicine shortages reduce access and increase pharmaceutical expenditure? A retrospective analysis of Switzerland 2015‒2020”, joint with Stefan Felder is available online via open access.
- [11/2011]: A Hard Look at “Soft” Cost‐control Measures in Healthcare Organizations: Evidence from Preferred Drug Policies in Germany with Daniel Avdic
[11/2021]: The German-American Trade Chamber Midwest invited me as a panelist to discuss about the Future of Transatlantic Collaboration in Biopharma and MedTech.
- [October 2021]: I was invited to present my current work on A hard look at “soft” cost-control measures in healthcare organizations: Evidence from preferred drug policies in Germany in resarch talks at Lund University, Applied Economics Seminar and Gesundheitsökonomischer Ausschuss, Verein für Socialpolitik, Leibniz-Universität Hannover.
- [May 2021]: I was part of a panel about HEALTH ECONOMICS AND POLICY, hosted by The Women in Economics Initiative / Fachschaft VWL der Universität Bonn
- [April 2021]: I have been nominated for best paper by the Academy of Management, Health Care Management Division, 81th Annual Meeting for my submission “Do soft cost-control measures change productivity? - Preferred statin prescribing in Germany”, along with my co-author Daniel Avdic.
- [March 2021]: My project proposal “Causes and consequences of drug shortages” has received funding by the German Research Foundation. Media Information German; Media Information English